I’ve put together a few little things that make me happy in everyday life! Please let me know in the comments if you agree with anything in my list <3
1 Sleeping on fresh sheets
2 Feeling the sand between my toes
3 Opening the fridge to see lotssss of food
4 Realising I've got “two weeks holiday”
5 Pulling off the protective screen packaging on a phone
6 Popping bubble wrap
7 Hearing crickets sing in the evening
8 Going on a longgg walk
9 Then coming home to rest on the sofa
10 The first day in summer when I realise I don't have to wear a coat
11 Stepping on a frozen puddle
12 Waking up super early and realising I can still sleep
13 Turning over my pillow to the cold side
14 The moment I remember there’s ice cream in the fridge
15 Finding money I didn't know I had
16 Crying with laughter
17 Hugging so hard I cant breathe
18 Getting enough sleep
19 Getting up on a rainy day and realising I have no responsibilities
20 100% charge on my phone
21 Opening a jar/bottle that no one else can open
22 When there’s a new episode of my favourite show
23 Waking up to find out it's the weekend!
24 Wearing clothes straight out of the tumble dryer
25 Printing things off and getting the paper while it’s still warm
26 Jeggings
27 Waking up a minute before my alarm goes off so I don't get freaked out and jump out of bed
28 Receiving an email that isn't junk/bills/advertisements
29 When the Starbucks barista spells my name right
30 A bath with a bath bomb
31 The elevator arriving as soon as I press the button
32 When I flick through the channels and my favourite film is starting just in time
33 Getting retweets
34 Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens
35 Knowing all the words to a song that comes on the radio
36 Taking off my shoes when I get home
37 Facetimimg someone I haven't seen in a while
38 Spending time with my dog
39 Laughing out loud at a funny memory
40 Eating healthy, tasty food that makes me feel good about myself
41 Listening to a song i used to love and haven't heard in years
42 Taking the time to help someone with there problems
43 When I finally see the car that’s coming to pick me up
44 When my grandparents tell stories
45 Taking a shower after camping
46 Seeing the street lights turn on/off
47 Watching bloopers
48 Letting my hair down after it has been tied up all day
49 People who love their job
50 Hearing interesting stories about myself when I was little
51 When the lights go off at a concert or the cinema
52 Receiving a hand written invitation
53 Having exact change
54 When someone genuinely asks me how my day was
55 Answering a question correctly in a lesson
56 When I finally remember the word I had on the tip of my tongue
57 The feeling of relief after I find something I had lost
58 Peeling an orange in one piece
59 Being the first to applaud in the audience
60 When someone saves me a seat
61 How small and cute baby clothes and shoes are!
62 Finding out there isn't more work on the other side of a work sheet
63 Hearing people cheer me on
64 Finding out something is cheaper than I thought it was
65 Receiving birthday wishes on Facebook
66 When I see my food coming in a restaurant
67 Finding out someone does the same weird things as me
68 Being called beautiful
69 Accomplishing something before the microwave beeps
70 When someone replies instantly
71 Finally releasing my laughter after trying to hold it in
72 Not wearing make up and being able to rub my eyes
73 Being told I’ve made someone’s day
74 When the last item in the shop is my size
75 Questions on a test that give away answers to other questions
76 When I perfectly separate an Oreo
77 When I catch something that was thrown to me from far way
78 Perfectly peeling off a price sticker
79 Smelling new books
80 When people enjoy the food I made
81 Untouched snow
82 Hitting the high note
83 Writing with a freshly sharpened pencil
84 When someone understands my humour
85 When someone holds open the door for me
86 Licking a yogurt lid
87 Teachers I can joke with
88 Eating cookie dough
89 Finding out my dress has pockets
90 Reading books from my childhood
91 Well-mannered young children
92 Guitar solos
93 Free stuff
94 When someone says “bless you” after I sneeze
95 Correct grammar ( hoping this post is perfect )
96 Doodling on a foggy window
97 Inside jokes
98 Onesies
99 Putting in the last piece of a jigsaw
100 Coming up with a username that’s not taken
101 Classic Disney films
Hope you’ve enjoyed this post and enjoy some of the things in my list!
see you later, byeeee x
You forgot one . 'Sophie' should be the first one. Ngl
ReplyDelete102* obviously, sorry xx